We are BIMERTEK. A technology startup dedicated to solving complex and obsolete processes existing in the construction sector.

Our device can position itself, survey the space, feed a BIM model with real data and connect as well as transferring digital designs to the field. A disruptive technology taking the final step towards industrialised construction.
We achieve processes of greater quality, with no human error, efficient in time and personnel, traceable, with quantifiable savings… at the end of the day, more competitive, enabling living designs, safely personalizable up to the last minute.
A door has opened which will help all professionals in the sector to solve integration of the BIM and real worlds by means of two-way, real-time communication.
The future of construction is now a reality.
In the current framework, the construction sector is starting to draw on new technologies in order to develop a new scenario marked by revolutionary innovations and technologies. Bimerbot is one of these.
The capacities of our device represent spectacular progress in a task where automation is indispensable.
- Autonomous generation of the plant cloud: Bimerbot moves while the camera takes pictures and builds a model faithful to the plant executed.
- Fits the lines of the BIM model layout onto the real scanned surface.
- Works with great precision. Error of less than 1cm.
- Overcomes level differences.
- Has an autonomy of up to 1 working day
- Prevents collisions and falls onto different levels
- Capable of transmitting data.
We are experts in construction. A multidisciplinary team made up of people with first-hand knowledge and understanding of the different aspects and problems of the sector, each from their own field. A particular and combined perspective that drives us to think in great developments for the industrialisation of many critical construction processes.
We see what’s happening in our sector and that’s why we know just how much we can contribute to it. Technology is the vehicle and our vision and ambition set the course.
We believe in a modernised, technological and reliable future for our sector where all of the different parts, including ourselves, can collaborate and continue to improve.
We had a clear-cut idea with the development of our Bimerbot device.
Layout work must be automated.
“In the layout process as it stands today it is impossible to guarantee total quality; traceability is poor and the frequent demolitions of badly set out elements generate waste.”
Construction company Quality and Environment Manager.
“We need workers who are qualified to do the jobs in which the different specialist trades are not experts.”
Construction company Human Resources Manager.
“It delays completion of the building and uses resources that could be helping work to progress faster at other stages of the construction.”
Construction company Production Manager.
“Layout work is almost always left to the site manager, an essential figure who is taken out of commission for many hours.”
Building Site Manager.
“It is a medieval technique in times of the Industry 4.0 from which knowledge should be transferred to construction.”
Construction company Innovation Manager.
“It causes a drop in profitability due to reducing margins and increasing the depreciation period of the initial investment.”
Construction company Corporate Finance Manager.